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Intergroup inequality persists in Western society, despite the formal endorsement of egalitarian values, and it is often sustained through subtle psychological mechanisms rather than overt discrimination. Our primary objective is to deepen our understanding of how, why, and when these mechanisms operate in order to mitigate their negative impact.

Fists in Solidarity

Intergroup Helping Relations

Our lab examines helping relations, focusing on understanding the dynamics that occur across a range of interactions and intergroup contexts. We aim to uncover the underlying mechanisms and subtle nuances that exist within different settings, while also exploring potential intersections.

Our primary focus is on intergroup helping dynamics in cross-gender interactions, studying the types of helping behaviors sought and provided by men and women in stereotypical domains (for more detailed information about our research in this area, please visit the relevant Project section). Other ongoing projects examine intergroup helping dynamics in parent-child relationships, age relations, and hierarchical structures within the workplace.

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Psychological Processes Through Which Prejudiced Individuals Are Harmed

This line of work examines the personal costs experienced by dominant group members when participating in subtle mechanisms that perpetuate group inequality. We aim to understand the underlying processes through which prejudiced individuals themselves are harmed. Currently, our focus is on investigating the harm of gender roles specifically for men. We are conducting research to understand the consequences that arise from adherence to traditional gender norms and expectations (for more detailed information about our research in this area, please visit the relevant Project section).

Contact Us

Orly Bareket

Lab Director

Personal email:

Lab email:


Ben-Gurion University of the Negev
P.O.B. 653 Beer-Sheva 8410501 Israel

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